luni, 22 iulie 2013

Music to the Ears (Henry's Trap)

A song that also attracted me this year was..and still is Henry's Trap. There are so many reasons why everyone should like this song and one of them is Henry's cute face. Besides that, my whole family absolutely loves this song. I'm not joking, my father listens to it, my mother does that too and she also likes Henry. Mom doesn't really like many Korean Idols. She thinks they are all too young to waste her still good looks on...

So, the thing that really got me into this song is the piano. It's obvious SM spent more on Henry's solo than on any other video of Super Junior and I applaud them for finally waking up. Since Henry didn't have a light on him until now, people didn't really like him or didn't care enough to glance at him. Well, now things have definitely changed. The light shines just upon him and his music abilities. He is very talented. He plays violin too and believe me, that's freaking hard to! Also, he has a pretty nice voice and he can hit some high notes when he wants. It's obvious how much work he went through and how much he trained to have a balance between singing, dancing and instruments. I do believe he had something to say in the making of his album. It sounds original and sweet. that's a good combination for him. Except the photos...they look so sexual...

Overall, SM did a good job letting Henry debut as a solo artist too. He makes lots of money and for who doesn't care about that, he makes good music, which is rare nowadays. I recommend wholeheartedly his album.

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